Friday, July 20, 2007

Wedding Blessings

by Jo Mazak

Wedding Blessings
Not to be trite or anything, but weddings are (almost) always happy occasions and a time to celebrate the joys of life. It is also a time when friends and family of the happy couple can join in with them and help them to celebrate their new life together. To this end, wedding blessings are a good way for you to show your happiness and to share your joy with everyone present.
Wedding blessings of course, is just another way to say "wedding toast" and generally runs along the same lines. Remember here that wedding blessings or toasts, are not supposed to be speeches and should not run into many long and tedious minutes worth of speaking. You want to share your joy, not spread boredom!
Wedding blessings, depending on the person giving them can run the gamut from happy, to sentimental, to rousingly cheerful. This is the time when you need to let your happiness at the joyous turn of events show, and this is when you need to shine.
Of course, into some people's happiness comes a giant rock of worry, because let's face it, not everyone can get up in front of a crowd of people and say anything let alone give one of the best wedding blessings ever!
The answer to that of course, is to keep to your chair and let other people handle the speeches, toasts and wedding blessings. But what happens if you are asked to stand up and deliver a toast or wedding blessing?
Well, for one thing, if you have enough time to prepare you can look up some interesting, and funny, or sentimental wedding blessings from a good source which can provide you with a few of these time honored sayings. Or you can start to panic and wonder why this had to happen to you.
Another option is for you to pretend to have laryngitis, but that might not go down too well when you forget yourself and start to talk as soon as the period of wedding blessings and toasts are over and done with!
Of course, since wedding blessings are in no way as long as wedding speeches can be, it is a blessing in itself, and really if you stick with option one from the earlier paragraph (not the laryngitis, but the one where you prepare a wedding blessing in advance), you will find that you are alright and that you have nothing to worry about, well, except for actually standing up and giving the wedding blessings of course!
About the Author
Discover the secret to amazing wedding speeches by signing up for a FREE 5-Part mini lesson here at Free Wedding Speech!

Thanks to Jo Mazak and GoArticles for this article.

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