Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Secret To Making Your Wedding Cake Dazzle On The Special Day

by Pat Lock

After the wedding dress, probably the wedding cake is one aspect of the wedding to which the bride gives most thought. And yet it is often left to others to make important decisions about the cake.
Hours will have been spent discussing the size and shape of the cake, and dozens of different designs looked at. But think about how the cake will be displayed at the wedding reception - a magnificent cake which has taken weeks to decorate can sometimes scarcely be seen.
In the past wedding cakes were always placed on the main table, right in front of the bride and groom. This gave the guests a good view of the cake, but many of them could hardly see the happy couple!
Although it is usual for the bride to cut the cake at the end of the meal, there is an alternative solution. If the cake is displayed in the reception area (where the bride and groom mingle with guests after their wedding ceremony) rather than in the room where the meal takes place, there are some advantages. Firstly, it gives guests time and space to have a close look at the cake. And, if the bride cuts the cake at this stage, the caterers have more time to slice it into sections, before handing it out after the meal.
Always make sure that the tablecloth on which the wedding cake stands is smooth. So many photographs show a beautiful cake standing on a crumpled cloth! Photographs of the cake will show up well if the table is against a plain background. Make sure the table is firm, large enough, and not likely to move if knocked. Banqueting cloth is a stiff embossed paper, ideal for covering wedding tables, and can be pinned in place - making sure the material reaches the floor. Swathes of soft material draped around the table always looks pretty. Choose a colour that blends in both with the cake, and with the general colour scheme.
Cakes always have more impact when they are raised from the surface. White, silver or gold stands can be hired. The shape of the stand should reflect the shape of the cake - a round stand for round cake. If costs have to be kept to a minimum, there is often something around the house that can be used. Or failing that, position plate under (and slightly smaller than) the cake board. The space beneath the board makes the cake appear larger.
Lighting is another important feature. The ideal solution is to have spotlights directed on the cake. Failing this if electric points are close (and the leads can be hidden) perhaps a hidden table light can be used to.
Depending upon the design of the wedding cake, decorating the table with flowers can give it an added attraction. A garland of fresh flowers around the table may look beautiful, but would use dozens of flowers and take some time to make. Consider bunches of flowers at intervals - perhaps positioned at the top of a drape. Or curves of greenery around the table. Ivy is pretty, especially the variegated type, but unless using small lengths, the leaves are often sparse. Sprays of the small leaved bush,
About the Author
Pat Lock is a cake decorating expert with over 25 years experience who runs the excellent Cake-Decorating-Tips.com website. She has won awards at the prestigious international competition at Hotel Olympia, London and is also an accomplished author.

Thanks to Pat Lock for this article.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Free Wedding Speech Samples

by Jo Mazak

Free Wedding Speech Samples
If you've been asked to give a speech at a wedding and you're in panic mode right now because you have no idea what to say, and absolutely no idea how you're going to even be able to get up and have your say, don't worry, you're one of the many people who are in that same plight right about now. To counter this teensy problem, there are places where you can get free wedding speech samples to help you on your way.
These free wedding speech samples can be found in many places, but the most proliferate of these, is to be found on the internet. A small search will yield many results on free wedding speech samples, and you can use these as a suitable jumping off point for your own speech. And when you're done, you can help another such panic stricken person as you, by posting your own wedding speech onto one of these sites.
This way, the same old speeches don't do the rounds as there will be more and more new material filtering through to the masses. And you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you also contributed to the growing number of free wedding speech samples on the internet, and that someone else in the same boat as you are right now, might have found it to be highly useful.
That aside though, you will find that the internet is a great source to find a staggeringly large number of free wedding speech samples, and with a little bit of luck - and perseverance - you will be able to find from amongst the many free wedding speech samples, something that touches off a chord in your writer's soul, and which will prompt you to write the best wedding speech ever.
Barring that, you can always use these free wedding speech samples as a great blueprint to writing a wedding speech. Think of it in the terms of a witch's brew. A little bit from here, a joke or two from there, and sprinkling of seriousness from your heart, and voila! You have a homegrown wedding speech that fits the bill perfectly.
Of course you need to be careful when writing a wedding speech using these free wedding speech samples. It can become all too easy to become mired in them and lose the feeling of what you really want to say. It can become all too easy to use flowery language that you don't normally use, and to use jokes and things which aren't really in your normal repertoire.
The best thing you can do is to first get down the relevant points that you want to say in your wedding speech, and then use these free wedding speech samples to help you say it properly. They can give you the much needed insight into how to compose the speech in a manner that will not only be entertaining but which will also be interesting to all concerned.
About the Author
Discover the secret to amazing wedding speeches by signing up for a FREE 5-Part mini lesson here at Free Wedding Speech!

Thanks to Jo Mazak for this article.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Free Wedding Toast

by Jo Mazak

Free Wedding Toast
Contrary to popular belief that there is no such thing as "free", with the spawn of the internet, many things are available "free". Of course, not all of these things are worth much, and in some cases you get exactly what you paid for - nothing. But in the case of the many different websites and people offering you the use of free wedding toast ideas, you will find that most of the time you have hit a gold mine.
Of course, these are free for a number of reasons which we won't get into now, but suffice it to say that with a little bit of judicious searching, you will be able to find the perfect free wedding toast to suit the occasion perfectly. Of course, as these are free, and many other people might have had the same thought as you, you might also want to keep another free wedding toast (or two) up your sleeve, just in case.
That way, if someone beats you to the punch and gets in your favorite free wedding toast, you can always resort to using one of the other ones which you have. Then again, you might find that a free wedding toast just isn't your cup of tea. You might instead be tempted to change and combine a few of these to make a really good wedding toast, that other guests will most definitely not have waiting in the sidelines to trump you.
Remember, these sayings and toasts are free for a reason. They are tried and true, and just about everyone in the world knows about them, or has heard of them at some point in time. This is the reason they are free. There is no copyright license on many of the free wedding toast and quotes because no one knows for certain exactly where they originated from.
In fact some of them come down from the times of antiquity and most definitely the owner has long since given up right to these. In fact, they have also changed so much in the retelling, with so many personal twists and tales, that they might be unrecognizable from the original.
Whatever it is, and whatever free wedding toast you use, don't forget to make it personal. It might be a toast and not a speech that you are giving, but that doesn't make it any less important in the eyes of the bridal couple, and for this reason alone you need to make it special, to suit the special occasion.
About the Author
Discover the secret to amazing wedding speeches by signing up for a FREE 5-Part mini lesson here at Free Wedding Speech!

Thanks to Jo Mazak for this article.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Irish Wedding Blessing

by Jo Mazak

Irish Wedding Blessing
A wedding of any sort is not complete without someone giving wedding blessings, and with the diversity of people around the world, you can find a number of wedding blessings from different cultures coming to the fore. One such favored type of wedding blessing is that of an Irish wedding blessing.
Maybe it is the humor, or may be it is the sentimentality, it could even be the beautiful language in which these blessings are spoken, but more and more you can find at least one Irish wedding blessing being spoken at a wedding. And you can be guaranteed that it doesn't become old and repetitious. These sayings are long lived already, and they seem set to become immortalized in the annals of human history.
The reason for this is of course, that a traditional Irish wedding blessing is so elegant, and so evocative, that it has become timeless. Many are the times that you will hear an Irish wedding blessing at a wedding and many are the times when you can look around and find a tear or two in the eyes of someone when such a blessing is given.
A good example of an Irish wedding blessing is "May you both live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live." Another good example is, "May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings, slow to make enemies and quick to make friends."
And this is only the beginning. There are yet other great examples of a good Irish wedding blessing to be found, and if you look in the right places, you will find many of these sayings amassed in one place, such as in an Irish wedding blessing book, which contains numerous of these sayings. Or you can even find them on the internet.
There are many Irish communities living outside their beloved homeland who get together, and the internet is one good way to find not only these people, but also to find a few hundred different Irish wedding blessings.
The two mentioned above are very short, and sweet. They are used often, as are other blessings, but this has to be an all time favorite Irish wedding blessing. It goes something along the lines of, "On this special day, our wish to you, The goodness of the old, the best of the new. God bless you both who drink this mead, may it always fill your every need. - Sl�inte!"
About the Author
Discover the secret to amazing wedding speeches by signing up for a FREE 5-Part mini lesson here at Free Wedding Speech!

Thanks to Jo Mazak for this article.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Irish Wedding Toasts

by Jo Mazak

Irish Wedding Toasts
Irish wedding toasts are becoming more and more the norm these days. Not because it is only Irish couples getting married, but because many people have finally seen the timeless elegance and beauty of traditional (and even non traditional) Irish wedding toasts.
It is not unusual to hear a "Sl�inte!" (meaning good health and pronounced something like "Slawn-tche"), at a wedding these days. In fact it has become so popular that you will even hear some of the guests replying kind - even if they aren't Irish.
Some examples of good Irish wedding toasts are, "May the light of friendship guide your paths together, may the laughter of children grace the halls of your home, and may the joy of living for one another trip a smile from your lips, a twinkle from your eye."
You can also have something along the lines of, "May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings, slow to make enemies, quick to make friends. But rich or poor, slow or quick, may you know nothing but happiness from this day forward."
There are other good Irish wedding toasts to be found, such as, "May your troubles be less, and your blessings be more. And may nothing but happiness come through your door."
This is a twist on one of the more often heard Irish wedding toasts, "In your life I hope you do four things: lie, steal, cheat and drink. When you lie, do it to save a friend, when you steal, steal someone's heart. When you cheat, cheat death, and when you drink, drink with me."
The traditional version of this toast goes along the lines of, "There are four things in life that you must never do: lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love, If you must steal, steal away from bad company, If you must cheat, cheat death, And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away."
One of the best Irish wedding toasts though is this very traditional one where the bride and the groom give the toast, and the guests reply to it. "Friends and relatives so fond and dear, 'tis our greatest pleasure to have you here. When many years this day has passed, fondest memories will always last. So we drink a cup of this Irish mead and ask God's blessing in your hour of need."
The response to this very traditional of Irish wedding toasts, goes along the lines of, "On this special day, our wish to you, the goodness of the old, and the best of the new. May God bless you both who drink this mead, may it always fill your every need."
About the Author
Discover the secret to amazing wedding speeches by signing up for a FREE 5-Part mini lesson here at Free Wedding Speech!

Thanks to Jo Mazak for this article.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Jewish Wedding Speeches

by Jo Mazak

Jewish Wedding Speeches
A wedding is a wedding is a wedding, right? Wrong. Every wedding is special on its own right, and every wedding day is special to the couple getting married. But if all weddings are different does this mean that all wedding speeches are also different? For instance, would Jewish wedding speeches be any different from traditional Christian wedding speeches?
And what about the rest of the world - do speeches given at any of these weddings differ, from the above mentioned Jewish wedding speeches et al? The answer, in many cases would be an unthinking, and emphatic "Yes!" If however, deeper thought is given, you can't help but notice that although each and every one of these special occasions as well as speeches given, are different, they are also essentially the same.
This means that if you listen very closely to an Irish wedding speech, and compare it with some of the more traditional wedding speeches as well as with Jewish wedding speeches, you will find distinct similarities between them. The core sentiment of the speech remains the same: to wish the bride and groom joy in their life, now and forever more.
The difference then, lies not in the sentiment that is expressed in the wedding speeches, but in the religious, and cultural doctrine that will be an essential part of any wedding. Even in weddings with no particular religious slant whatsoever, you will find that wedding speeches given, reflect this tone of spirit.
So if you have been chosen to honor and celebrate with the happy couple by giving a speech, you have no need to panic, right? After all, at heart all wedding speeches are the same, and you might as well use the same speech you used two years earlier for your sister's wedding. But wait, this time you are attending a Jewish wedding.
This means that you will in all probability have to bone up on your Jewish wedding speeches instead of using an earlier speech. Since there are some very specific traditions inherent in a Jewish wedding, you will need to make sure that you are familiar with the various ins and outs of it.
This way, if you need to, you can even make changes, off the cuff so to speak, and not have to worry if you have somehow managed to say the wrong thing!
But really, Jewish wedding speeches are more or less a reaffirmation of the love the bride and groom feel for each other, the joy you feel in being a part of this special occasion, and a blessing or a wish for the continued happiness of the bride and the groom. Kind of like any other wedding speech, isn't it?
About the Author
Discover the secret to amazing wedding speeches by signing up for a FREE 5-Part mini lesson here at Free Wedding Speech!

Thanks to Jo Mazak for this article.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Jewish Wedding Toasts

by Jo Mazak

Jewish Wedding Toasts
Irish wedding toasts, Jewish wedding toasts, traditional wedding toasts. Why are they different and why do you find that more and more, they are cropping up in different weddings, Jewish, Irish or with a traditional slant? The reason for this is simple enough and is explained by two words: global village.
That's right, the world is becoming a smaller place, and for this reason alone you will find Jewish wedding toasts cropping up in traditional weddings with not a Jewish bone in its body, and Irish wedding toasts cropping up not only at weddings, but also in popular culture such as books and movies.
To give a toast however, is no simple thing. Not everyone is comfortable with standing up in front of a gathered crowd of wedding guests and giving a toast. In fact many people will do just about everything that they can to not have to face the moment, stand up, get the attention of a whole room full of people, and have their say.
And if indeed they manage the miraculous feat of doing all of this, they might find themselves without a clear memory of what exactly it was that they said! This happens to most everyone who dreads public speaking. But sometimes a person might feel more pressured to deliver a good toast if they are well known by friends and family of the bridal couple, and this can cause problems.
If you know that you might be called upon to give a wedding toast, you might want to become familiar with a few wedding toasts, so that if ever the need arises you too can rise admirably and calmly to the occasion. To this end, you might want to take a look at a few Irish wedding toasts, traditional wedding toasts, and even some Jewish wedding toasts.
These can all come in handy when you least expect it to, and with at least one wedding toast of each type in your mind, you should have no worries on whether or not you can give a rousing good wedding toast.
Just remember that you are giving a wedding toast and not a wedding speech, so keep it short and simple. This is an especially good idea if you know that you are a poor public speaker.
But in truth whether you are at a Jewish wedding listening to or giving Jewish wedding toasts, or whether you are at an Hindu wedding, or whether you are attending your sister's traditional white and orange blossomed wedding, you will find that the sentiments are the same, and that the toasts themselves all want only the same thing for the bride and the groom: long life and happiness.
About the Author
Discover the secret to amazing wedding speeches by signing up for a FREE 5-Part mini lesson here at Free Wedding Speech!

Thanks to Jo Mazak for this article.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Order of Wedding Speeches

by Jo Mazak

Order of Wedding Speeches
As with anything in life that is truly important there is a certain order to be followed to do something properly. And this applies to one of life's greatest moments - your wedding. Here you will find that a certain order of wedding speeches will be followed for tradition to be carried on.
Traditions however are not set in stone, and while they are for the most part followed to the letter, as in the order of wedding speeches given during the reception, it is also true that traditions have a way of changing an evolving. And really when you look at it, the traditions that we follow these days, and which some people believe to be set in stone, were but new and innovative changes when they were first introduced.
It took time and perseverance for traditions to come about, and of these only the strongest and most enduring survived the test of time. This is why when you take something as traditional as the order of wedding speeches, it will come as no surprise that there is a revolution in the making.
These days, the traditional order of wedding speeches where first the father of the bride speaks, then the groom and then the best man, has by and large, not been replaced so much as it has been subtly altered to fit the changing times. Whether these changes will take hold and become tradition fifty or even a hundred years down the line is a different matter.
What matters now is that the order of wedding speeches is not as set in stone as it once used to be. If you have been invited to speak at a wedding, then the very first thing that you need to do is to find out whether the traditional order of wedding speeches is to be followed, or whether a more informal approach is to be followed.
This will also give you a clue as to how to proceed in your own speech, and what point and highlights you might want to touch upon. If you're the father of the bride, the bridegroom, or the best man however, there are a few things that will be required for you to speak about regardless of whether or not the wedding is a formal one or not.
Only time will tell whether this new order of wedding speeches will become a tradition or not, but until then, and until tradition has again become firmly established, you can be sure that there will be changes, and that there will be a new order of wedding speeches to be followed at weddings, just as there will be a new generation of wedding ceremonies and receptions.
About the Author
Discover the secret to amazing wedding speeches by signing up for a FREE 5-Part mini lesson here at Free Wedding Speech!

Thanks to Jo Mazak for this article.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Traditional Wedding Toasts

by Jo Mazak

Traditional Wedding Toasts
If you're thinking about giving a wedding toast, but are finding yourself a little short of ideas on what exactly to say, give yourself a break and look at some traditional wedding toasts instead of the newer and snazzier wedding toasts.
Traditional wedding toasts are traditional for a reason. They work. And they do the job of conveying to the bridal couple just how you feel, and has the added benefit of being sincere if delivered properly.
Just because the trend these days is to break away from all things traditional and strike out on your own, you don't need to follow in these decidedly murky footsteps. Let's face it, not everyone can be innovative and give totally great wedding toasts that are also original. That's probably asking too much of a person whose knees are knocking together at the mere thought of having to give a toast.
Besides, most of the innovative wedding toasts that we hear these days will most likely become the traditional wedding toasts of the future, so if you find a trendy new wedding toast and can pull it off with the correct amount of humor, warmth and panache, then go for it.
But if you feel more comfortable being yourself and conveying your best wishes and joy in your own words, then don't be afraid to make use of the traditional wedding toasts to suit your own ends. The trick here is to take the traditional wedding toasts and rearrange them around to suit you, your normal mode of speech and the wedding itself.
Another thing that you will find with traditional wedding toasts is that you will rarely go wrong with one. After all who can fault a generously given, "May all your troubles be small ones; may all your dreams come true; and may your days be filled with love, light and laughter."
Everyone likes these types of wedding toasts and you know that you can't go wrong with traditional wedding toasts such as that. Feel free to add a few words beforehand if you want to make it more personal, but remember to keep it short. This is a toast after all, not a speech.
So although trendy and innovative might be the watchword of the day, if you're one of those individuals who finds it difficult to string two words together coherently when faced with a situation where you have to speak out in front of a group of people, stick with the traditional wedding toasts. Remember, they're traditional because they work, and that's really what you want - a good wedding toast that sounds just right.
About the Author
Discover the secret to amazing wedding speeches by signing up for a FREE 5-Part mini lesson here at Free Wedding Speech!

Thanks to Jo Mazak for this article.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Wedding Blessings

by Jo Mazak

Wedding Blessings
Not to be trite or anything, but weddings are (almost) always happy occasions and a time to celebrate the joys of life. It is also a time when friends and family of the happy couple can join in with them and help them to celebrate their new life together. To this end, wedding blessings are a good way for you to show your happiness and to share your joy with everyone present.
Wedding blessings of course, is just another way to say "wedding toast" and generally runs along the same lines. Remember here that wedding blessings or toasts, are not supposed to be speeches and should not run into many long and tedious minutes worth of speaking. You want to share your joy, not spread boredom!
Wedding blessings, depending on the person giving them can run the gamut from happy, to sentimental, to rousingly cheerful. This is the time when you need to let your happiness at the joyous turn of events show, and this is when you need to shine.
Of course, into some people's happiness comes a giant rock of worry, because let's face it, not everyone can get up in front of a crowd of people and say anything let alone give one of the best wedding blessings ever!
The answer to that of course, is to keep to your chair and let other people handle the speeches, toasts and wedding blessings. But what happens if you are asked to stand up and deliver a toast or wedding blessing?
Well, for one thing, if you have enough time to prepare you can look up some interesting, and funny, or sentimental wedding blessings from a good source which can provide you with a few of these time honored sayings. Or you can start to panic and wonder why this had to happen to you.
Another option is for you to pretend to have laryngitis, but that might not go down too well when you forget yourself and start to talk as soon as the period of wedding blessings and toasts are over and done with!
Of course, since wedding blessings are in no way as long as wedding speeches can be, it is a blessing in itself, and really if you stick with option one from the earlier paragraph (not the laryngitis, but the one where you prepare a wedding blessing in advance), you will find that you are alright and that you have nothing to worry about, well, except for actually standing up and giving the wedding blessings of course!
About the Author
Discover the secret to amazing wedding speeches by signing up for a FREE 5-Part mini lesson here at Free Wedding Speech!

Thanks to Jo Mazak and GoArticles for this article.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wedding Congratulations

by Jo Mazak

Wedding Congratulations
Have you ever been to a wedding and hit a complete blank wall when it comes time for you to extend your congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple? Well, if you have, don't worry, you're not the only person to do so. Certain situations just tend to make your forget what you were going to say, and this is why keeping a small book of wedding congratulations can come in handy.
These can help you to get through even a difficult task such as making a wedding toast, all you need to do is to keep the relevant sayings in mind. But then again, that was the entire problem wasn't it, the fact that you couldn't keep any good wedding congratulations in your mind.
Some people will mumble something that passes for your generic congratulations and be done with it, but others will cast around in their brain to find something more fitting for the occasion and come up with odd things.
So at a time like that, don't try to find something positively genius to say, stick with the most basic of wedding congratulations, and move on. If you didn't do well, then only you will be aware of this fact, and you can later go through the book on wedding congratulations and sayings which you bought just the other day, and look longingly at all the things you could have said, but didn't.
The one thing that can be said about this, or indeed any other such situation, is that it gets decidedly easier as you go through a few of them, and you will find that eventually you can deliver a smooth, "Many happy congratulations!", with a straight face and an unwavering voice.
There are however, only a limited number of ways in which you can give wedding congratulations to a bridal couple and once you have one that suits you, you can keep using it, even going so far as to make variations of it when necessary.
As mentioned it keeps getting easier with practice, and if you feel really nervous of going up to the couple and giving them your best wishes, you can even practice in front of a mirror until you feel comfortable with yourself.
There are more people out there than you might even realize who have the same problem that you do and who feel nervous when they are thrust outside of their normal social environment and find that they have to do something they have never done before in their lives.
This is why a book of wedding congratulations and sayings can come in so handy. And if you can't find such a book near you, then you can always make use of something like the internet to help you find the sayings that you need.
About the Author
Discover the secret to amazing wedding speeches by signing up for a FREE 5-Part mini lesson here at Free Wedding Speech!

Thanks to Jo Mazak and GoArticles for this article.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wedding Etiquette

by Jo Mazak

Wedding Etiquette
Some weddings can be excruciatingly formal and for the guests, this can mean an interminable wait for the dinner bell to be sounded, or for all the wedding speeches to be wrapped up nice and tidy. However, common courtesy demands that not only must the hosts of the wedding reception adhere strictly to any wedding etiquette they feel necessary to have in the wedding, but guests must do so as well.
There is nothing ruder than a person who is constantly fidgeting in plain view when the speeches are being given, or a person who is always looking at their watch. And just as there are unwritten rules of wedding etiquette which should be followed by wedding party and guests alike, there is wedding etiquette which also determines who gets seated where, who is asked to give a speech, and also in which order the speeches are delivered.
It is also true that traditionally, it is the father of the bride who is first asked to speak, and this is for the simple reason that since he is the person footing the bill, wedding etiquette demands that he do the honors and welcome everyone to wedding reception. It is also a gesture of honor which is directed at the father of bride, an acknowledgement of sorts for all that he has done.
The groom will usually follow the father of the bride in the speech department, and wedding etiquette demands that he thank his new father-in-law for the wonderful reception. There are also other types of wedding etiquette, other than that which you see used for speeches. These are all too easy to get confused with wedding traditions, but when you look closely at these, it is possible to differentiate between the two.
For instance, opening the dance floor to the guests is usually done by the bridal couple, and this not tradition per se, but wedding etiquette instead. Father and daughter having their customary dance, is not wedding etiquette, but simply tradition. Then you have the tradition of cutting the cake, throwing the bouquet etc. These are all traditions and can go any which way that you please.
Wedding etiquette on the other hand, demands certain things of you which needs to be fulfilled, like for instance having a receiving line for all the guests at the beginning of the reception. This is not only common courtesy, but also a part of wedding etiquette which must be fulfilled. Thanking the guests for coming to the reception, is also another such part of wedding etiquette that must be looked at.
As you can see there are a number of things that can be construed as wedding etiquette, and these can also be confused equally with wedding traditions. If you find that your wedding is drawing nearer and nearer, you can make a list of the things which are necessary for you to do, which can be construed as wedding etiquette, and which ones are traditions.
About the Author
Discover the secret to amazing wedding speeches by signing up for a FREE 5-Part mini lesson here at Free Wedding Speech!

Thanks to Jo Mazak and GoArticles for this article.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Wedding Toasts

by Jo Mazak

Wedding Toasts
Wedding toasts can be a nightmare of blunders, long windedness, and forced joviality. Or they can be a fun and interesting way for people to share their joy with the newly married couple, and make a memorable day, even more memorable. Or like I mentioned earlier, they can be an unmitigated disaster.
A lot I believe depends on the type of wedding that you're going to have. If it's a formal wedding, you have a reasonably good chance of keeping things under control and giving the mike over to those of the guests whom you have already invited to make a toast.
If however, you have a more informal occasion, you might not find it so easy to keep things under control, and your beloved Uncle Freddy who has had a one two many, might find the mike in his hands, in which case all you can do is to sit back and wait to see what happens.
On the other hand, you will find wedding toasts can be the life of the party so to speak. Having a slew of wedding toasts can become very boring, very fast, but if you can keep the can of worms firmly tamped down, you might find that you end up with a memorable few minutes from the people whom you love, and whom you have invited to share your special day together.
It should also be noted that wedding toasts can be said by anyone wanting to give their good wishes to the bridal couple, and if you're not on the list of people to give a toast but suddenly find yourself overwhelmed by the joy and happiness you're feeling and want to share it with everyone there are a few rules that you should follow to make your wedding toast a pleasant one.
And the very first thing that you need to do, is to keep it short. Wedding toasts are not wedding speeches, and chances are that the wedding speeches have already come and gone. And if not, don't worry there will be more than enough people who are there to make a wedding speech. So remember to keep it short, and sweet.
Be careful about what you say. Rude jokes and humiliating or potentially embarrassing anecdotes never go down well at such occasions. Keep things on an even keel, and remember that there is a wide array or ears listening in to what you're saying, and also remember that embarrassment never works in such situations.
Wedding toasts for the most part should be clean and fun, in keeping with the festive occasion, and should not bring any bad feelings on the part of anyone, least of all the newly married couple. And don't forget to raise your glass in toast, and to take a sip from your drink. Many people are so nervous about standing up to make the toast that they forget to do the actual toast!
About the Author
Discover the secret to amazing wedding speeches by signing up for a FREE 5-Part mini lesson here at Free Wedding Speech!

Thanks to Jo Mazak and GoArticles for this article.

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Romance Of A Beach Wedding

by Sharon Vaz

How romantic can a beach wedding ceremony be? What better way to say 'I love you' than with the sand running between your toes? It's all true; a beach wedding isbeautiful, romantic and picturesque. But beach wedding ceremonies have their problems too.
So where are you intending to have your beach wedding? Is it a Caribbean beach wedding or a Hawaii beach wedding or maybe your intending to have a Florida beach wedding? It doesn't really matter which divine tropical location you're going to have your ocean theme wedding at, they all have one thing in common. They are all warm to hot and that can play merry hell with your choice of beach wedding clothes. It's not much good wearing a really beautiful gown only to have hideous wet marks from heat induced sweat ruining the look and all the beach wedding photos. So wear something appropriate and pick the cooler morning or late afternoon for the beach wedding ceremony. Wear something light and loose in natural materials, for instance cotton, and for the men (who sweat more) suggest under vests to absorb the sweat and keep them feeling cooler and dryer during the beach wedding.
Wind And The Beach Wedding CeremonyRemember that a beach wedding is an outdoor wedding and therefore you are at the mercy of the elements. Mostly in the tropics, they are at least predictable and can be worked around. For instance remember it may well be windy so don't have things that are easily blown around as part of the d�cor of your beach wedding. And make sure that things like the centre pieces are heavy enough to stay where they are put. Use lovely heavy glass vases or add a layer of sand inside the containers to increase their weight. And you can outline the path to your beach wedding ceremony with stones or sea shells to give even more of a marine feeling to your beach wedding.
And don't forget to be prepared for the worst. Just in case the weather should turn to rain have a back up room in the venue which you can use so the wedding can happily proceed. Make sure the guests are fully informed of what is happening before the time arrives.
The Unity Sand CeremonyAnother beach wedding idea is to have the more traditional Unity Candle Ceremony replaced by the Unity Sand Ceremony. At your beach wedding, you can even scoop up the sand at your feet to use in the ceremony and as a permanent souvenir of the glorious beach where you had your beach wedding ceremony. It also solves the problem of the wind blowing the Unity Candle out.
The Unity Sand Ceremony is a ceremony a couple of minutes long during which the bride and groom pour sand into a Unity Vase from a separate container each and is really well suited to a beach wedding. This symbolizes their two separate lives coming together, being joined and continuing on as one. It is a simple, beautiful and heart felt ceremony. Other family members, particularly children of the couple, are also able to join in and feel part of the beach wedding ceremony.
The beach wedding site can be pretty noisy with wind, surf, birds and maybe other happy people if you are on a public beach. So ensure that there is some kind of public address system so you can be heard taking your vows.
Soft Sand and High HeelsSoft sand can be difficult for the elderly or disabled to walk on. And it can be a real challenge for high heels. For yourself consider sandals or bare feet for your beach wedding, it's wonderful feeling the sand squidging up between your toes. And for your guests, seriously consider getting some flooring for the seating and tables to prevent them from sinking into the sand.
Keep the beach wedding theme flowing through the food you serve. Use sea shells or abalone shells to serve seafoods in. Have a Hawaiian pit roast or a BBQ instead of a 'normal' meal. And for the cake have it laced with dark or heavy rum as they do in the West Indies.
We may have made the idea of a beach wedding sound as if it has insurmountable problems. But this is not really so. At least no more so than any wedding has challenges to overcome. With a little planning your beach theme wedding can be a true highlight of your life.
About the Author
Sharon Vaz is founder of http://www.unitysandceremony.net, an authority site dedicated to helping brides plan an unforgettable Unity Sand Ceremony.

Thanks to Sharon Vaz and GoArticles for this article.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Wedding Cakes Don`t Come Cheaper Than This? The No Bake Cake

by Kacy Carr

Wedding Cakes - Completion of wedding planning aside from choosing the bridal gown, gold bands, hiring wedding cars is the wedding cake. Are wedding cakes essential pieces, "yes and no"? Traditionally guests expect a slice of the action. If you are on a budget then remember that elaborately designed wedding cakes filled with rich ingredients can take a huge slice out of your bank account. If the wedding cake is to grace the table as a centre piece, then bear in mind that cheap wedding cakes are just as tasty as an expensive one - if not more scrumptious.
The wedding cake aside from the blushing bride herself will attract a lot of attention, coming in at second best, however, sweet toothed folk may beg to differ, and their reason for this assumption is they can bite into the cake. Choosing a cheap or expensive wedding cake can be difficult due to numerous amount of cake designs available. Are you counting the pennies, if so be extra careful not to fall into temptation all because one cake has more cream icing or edible rosebuds on top. Wedding cakes are specially decorated for this purpose to tempt you. An extra tier an extra cherry or sultana can up the cost.
You can save a lot of money (hundreds of pounds) by baking the wedding cake yourself or ask a friend. Your friend can donate her time baking as a wedding gift. This is a good thing for both parties meaning your friend will not have to go in search of an ideal wedding gift for you and the groom, hence her services rendered will save you money to spend on other wedding essentials. However if you have decided that you are prepared to bake the cake - then so be it. Practice makes perfect and perfect saves money.
Tradition nowadays seen at most wedding ceremonies "is not seen" couples who marry today are looking to do something different on their wedding day like serving sponge baked cupcakes or jam ring doughnuts. Personal preference prevails here. Consider ordering a small wedding cake, if there is not enough to go round the guests then serve slices of sheet cake as a substitute, they will never know. Wedding cakes are cheaper bought from a shop other than one purely directed towards baking wedding cakes
Do not buy a wedding cake that is too large for your reception. Do your maths and take into account how many guests will be attending the reception and plan your cake accordingly. Weddings are expensive occasions but don't have to be if you put your thinking cap on. How about putting on the crafty cap and have the most delicious and beautiful looking - as many tiers as you like wedding cake of your dreams sitting on the table at no extra cost.
Are you aware that most wedding cakes displayed in shop windows are not the real thing? That's right card board cut outs. Now put that thinking cap on and take it from there.
About the Author
CongratulationsElegant Weddings http://www.wedding-organizing.comBridal Beauty http://www.spotthepimple.comBlushing Brides http://www.your-wedding-planning-help.com

Thanks to Kacy Carr and GoArticles for this article.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Travel Registries: The Latest Trend for Wedding Gifts

by Chris Robertson

These days, chances are that betrothed couples already have all of the blenders, towels, dishes, silverware, and other household items they need. With the swing toward men and women getting married later in life, most couples either have individual homes that they'll combine once they're married, or they have been building their own trousseau while living together. Because they're often footing the bill for all or part of their wedding, the one thing couples don't have is money for the honeymoon of their dreams. That's why the latest trend in bridal registries is the honeymoon travel registry.

Perhaps a couple wants to go on a cruise, vacation in Europe, or enjoy a Disney vacation. They may dream of four-star hotel accommodations or flying first class on their favorite airline. Whatever their fantasy honeymoon, more and more couples are opting to register with an online travel agency.

With a bridal travel registry, the couple can have their dream honeymoon while wedding guests can be assured that their gifts will combine to form memories that will last a lifetime. And, the process of both registering and giving is easy and straightforward.

Essentially, a honeymoon bridal registry allows the couple to set up a personal registry web page. If the couple already knows their honeymoon destination, they can reveal that on their web page and select items to include in their gift registry. For example, if the couple is traveling to Hawaii for their honeymoon, they may decide they'd like to go to a Hawaiian luau and list two luaus (one for the bride and one for the groom) in their registry. They may also select a romantic candlelight dinner, breakfast in bed, and a hotel room upgrade. They can include entertainment and activities, such as scuba diving lessons, a helicopter ride, horseback riding, and snorkeling. The couple can even add travel items like inter-island flights, limousine service, and a rental car.

Similarly, if the bride and groom have decided that London is their destination of choice, they can include an English afternoon tea in their travel registry, dinner for two at Jamie Oliver's restaurant, a medieval banquet, and a Harrods' shopping spree. Perhaps they would like tickets to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, London theatre tickets, or a tour of Shakespeare's Globe Theater. If so, they can add those items to their travel registry as well.

For wedding guests, a honeymoon travel registry makes it easy to find a personal, yet remarkable gift. Giving a sunset cruise, for example, is much more memorable than a set of mixing bowls. Gift givers can even opt to send the couple a customized gift card, or print one out and bring it to the wedding.

A honeymoon signifies the beginning of a couple's life together, and is a welcome relief from the stresses of planning their wedding. Having a honeymoon travel registry can help make the couple's dreams come true and give them memories to last a lifetime.

About the Author
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies.For tips/information, click here: Travel
Visit Majon's Travel directory.

Thanks to Chris Robertson and GoArticles for this article.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tips for Selecting Wedding Musicians

by Mrs. Party... Gail Leino

"Planning a wedding celebration can be crazy, fun, and overwhelming all at once! So many decisions, so little time. Menu? Decorations? Flowers? Wedding Invitations? Bridal Showers? Music? Lets focus on the music and share suggestions to ensure a successful wedding celebration.
Things happen so just keep cool and let the wedding professionals help you by virtue of their expertise! If you are a do it yourselfer, allow extra time for the learning curve. Just relax if stuff goes wrong like the ring bearer forgetting the ring up on the 16th floor of the hotel room or the ceremony starting 35 minutes late because Uncle Bob took a wrong turn driving to the church.
Always trust a professional. Remember: You are planning one wedding. Professional help plan thousands. Many people are looking for value today and may believe that because Aunt Bertha plays the piano, she'd be perfect as your cocktail pianist. Aunt Bertha may know "Love Me Tender" ~ but do you want to hear it over and over? Don't disappoint your guests or yourself by cutting corners? If she wants to play as her gift to you, invite her to play one or two songs. Let Aunt Bertha be a guest. Leave the music to the professional who has a wide repertoire for everyone. They are able to take requests, play polished, professional arrangements ~ and do it all while smiling and carrying on a conversation without taking their hands off the keys.
For a beautiful, elegant, and classy wedding ceremony and reception use "live" music. Keep the CDs in the car. If you are absolutely on the tightest budget ~ you can hire a solo musician for what two dinner entrees or a lovely flower arrangement would cost. Do not cut corners with your ambience. Music sets the tone for your day. Your guests WILL notice. Keep this thought in mind for your wedding showers, rehearsal dinners, and your post nuptial champagne brunches.
Trust your friends for referrals that they have dealt with for their bridal showers. If you don't know of anyone, the facility where you are planning your event usually has a list of preferred Musicians for specializing in Wedding Ceremonies, Receptions, and Corporate Events. Ask your friend and the venue about Bands, Orchestras, DJ's, Florists, Photographers, and Caterers. Just ask a Catering Coordinator for their list of Professional Musicians; this lists of recommended vendors most likely did not PAY to be listed! Anyone can get listed in a phone book or a wedding magazine for a fee. Recommendations cost nothing but are tremendously valuable resources.
Brides planning Catholic wedding ceremonies need to consult with the Musical Director of their local churches before selecting musicians. It is common practice for the church to REQUIRE you utilize their "in house" musicians and will not allow you to bring in "outside" vendors. Remember when planning your wedding, always trust a professional with a proven reputation. Enjoy your special day!"
About the Author
Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority for the best party supplies with clever themes and fun facts for character birthdays, holidays and theme parties. Plus, ideas for personalized and birthday party favors to make your event unforgettable.

Thanks to Mrs. Party... Gail Leino and GoArticles for this article.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Wedding Planning - Advice, Budget, Organization

by Mrs. Party... Gail Leino

"So you're engaged, now it's time to go on with the wedding planning. It can be a huge project costing a lot of money. What are you going to do?
Step one, no hyperventilating. Take a few deep breaths into a paper bag and remind yourself that you've got months, maybe even years before the wedding. You also have a lot of relatives giving advice on dates, florists and reception halls. While this may be annoying, these relatives are actually a valuable resource. Try redirecting their advice with specific questions asking what it was about their weddings they liked best and most importantly what it is that nearly ruined them. I once knew a woman who spent a lot of money on her wedding but neglected to keep the liquor in a guarded location. At the end of the wedding reception some staff stole several cases of unwatched, unused alcohol that she had to pay the caterer for. It's the little things we forget that can upturn a carefully planned event.
Step two; decide just how much you and your soon-to-be spouse are willing to pay for this wedding event. There are ways to cut costs. Outdoor receptions bring people back to the beauty of nature without the high cost of reception halls, but be careful not to schedule on a day when it's likely to rain. It might be helpful to look up specific dates in almanacs detailing the weather for previous years.
Step three; organize, organize, organize. Set up a timeline of major events that you need to have accomplished before the wedding day like the bridal shower. That way if something is running behind a few months early you can adjust your schedule. Creating a down to the minute timeline for the day of the wedding is important too. As it can help prevent last second mix-ups."
About the Author
Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority for the best party supplies with clever themes and fun facts for character birthdays, holidays and theme parties. Plus, ideas for personalized and birthday party favors to make your event unforgettable.

Thanks to Mrs. Party... Gail Leino and GoArticles for this article.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Wedding planning: how to save on flower bills

by Nathalie Fiset

Wedding planning can be stressful and the bill easily adds-up pretty fast. Aside from the catering and music, flowers can be a big part of the spending when planning a wedding. There are ways to save on flower spnding when planning a wedding while still getting the most gorgeous wedding a bride always dreamed of. Here are some tips on how you can save on flower spending for a wedding.
Wedding has the power of increasing the prices of everything and anything that goes into the preparation of the celebration. When a future bride steps into a flower shop and asks for prices for flowers for her wedding, the odds are she will be billed an increased amount. The first tip here is to not mention that the flowers you are looking for are for a wedding. Simply mentioning that the flowers are for a celebration or an anniversary will keep the prices to a reasonable range.
When choosing flowers for a wedding, the future bride must inquire of what flower is in season, Buying the flower that is in season at the moment of the wedding will ensure that the price will be kept within a reasonable range. Furthermore, selecting a bouquet that is of reasonable size has the power to limit the expenses to a great account. Adding-up a little flower here and there in the bouquets can make a dramatic difference in the overall bill for the wedding.
Synthetic flowers can also also be a valuable alternative to buying expensive bouquets that might look good during the wedding but will increase the overall bill.
When buying flowers for a wedding there are items that cannot be overlooked. First, there is the bride's bouquet which should be splendid as it is going to be on every picture. It should also be strong and withhold the traditional throwing of the bouquet and sometimes the riot that follows.When buying the flowers for a wedding, planning in advance will help the future bride and groom to shop around and find the best deal for what they are looking for. The differences in prices can be surprising between one florist to the other, one having made a special deal with a gross provider.
Above all, when planning a wedding, the future bride and groom should always keep in mind that the size of the bouquets and the kind of flowers do not matter much if they truly love each other. In the long run. Long after their flowers will have shrunk and disappeared, true love will last a lifetime to those newly weds who really love each other.
About the Author
For more information on acne please go to:http://www.the-perfect-weddings.com/http://www.the-perfect-weddings.com/gift-online-perfect-wedding.htmlhttp://www.drnathaliefiset.com

Thanks to Nathalie Fiset and GoArticles for this article.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Wedding Cakes Don`t Come Cheaper Than This? The No Bake Cake

by Kacy Carr

Wedding Cakes - Completion of wedding planning aside from choosing the bridal gown, gold bands, hiring wedding cars is the wedding cake. Are wedding cakes essential pieces, "yes and no"? Traditionally guests expect a slice of the action. If you are on a budget then remember that elaborately designed wedding cakes filled with rich ingredients can take a huge slice out of your bank account. If the wedding cake is to grace the table as a centre piece, then bear in mind that cheap wedding cakes are just as tasty as an expensive one - if not more scrumptious.
The wedding cake aside from the blushing bride herself will attract a lot of attention, coming in at second best, however, sweet toothed folk may beg to differ, and their reason for this assumption is they can bite into the cake. Choosing a cheap or expensive wedding cake can be difficult due to numerous amount of cake designs available. Are you counting the pennies, if so be extra careful not to fall into temptation all because one cake has more cream icing or edible rosebuds on top. Wedding cakes are specially decorated for this purpose to tempt you. An extra tier an extra cherry or sultana can up the cost.
You can save a lot of money (hundreds of pounds) by baking the wedding cake yourself or ask a friend. Your friend can donate her time baking as a wedding gift. This is a good thing for both parties meaning your friend will not have to go in search of an ideal wedding gift for you and the groom, hence her services rendered will save you money to spend on other wedding essentials. However if you have decided that you are prepared to bake the cake - then so be it. Practice makes perfect and perfect saves money.
Tradition nowadays seen at most wedding ceremonies "is not seen" couples who marry today are looking to do something different on their wedding day like serving sponge baked cupcakes or jam ring doughnuts. Personal preference prevails here. Consider ordering a small wedding cake, if there is not enough to go round the guests then serve slices of sheet cake as a substitute, they will never know. Wedding cakes are cheaper bought from a shop other than one purely directed towards baking wedding cakes
Do not buy a wedding cake that is too large for your reception. Do your maths and take into account how many guests will be attending the reception and plan your cake accordingly. Weddings are expensive occasions but don't have to be if you put your thinking cap on. How about putting on the crafty cap and have the most delicious and beautiful looking - as many tiers as you like wedding cake of your dreams sitting on the table at no extra cost.
Are you aware that most wedding cakes displayed in shop windows are not the real thing? That's right card board cut outs. Now put that thinking cap on and take it from there.
About the Author
CongratulationsElegant Weddings http://www.wedding-organizing.comBridal Beauty http://www.spotthepimple.comBlushing Brides http://www.your-wedding-planning-help.com

Thanks to Kacy Carr and GoArticles for this article.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Travel Registries: The Latest Trend for Wedding Gifts

by Chris Robertson

These days, chances are that betrothed couples already have all of the blenders, towels, dishes, silverware, and other household items they need. With the swing toward men and women getting married later in life, most couples either have individual homes that they'll combine once they're married, or they have been building their own trousseau while living together. Because they're often footing the bill for all or part of their wedding, the one thing couples don't have is money for the honeymoon of their dreams. That's why the latest trend in bridal registries is the honeymoon travel registry.

Perhaps a couple wants to go on a cruise, vacation in Europe, or enjoy a Disney vacation. They may dream of four-star hotel accommodations or flying first class on their favorite airline. Whatever their fantasy honeymoon, more and more couples are opting to register with an online travel agency.

With a bridal travel registry, the couple can have their dream honeymoon while wedding guests can be assured that their gifts will combine to form memories that will last a lifetime. And, the process of both registering and giving is easy and straightforward.

Essentially, a honeymoon bridal registry allows the couple to set up a personal registry web page. If the couple already knows their honeymoon destination, they can reveal that on their web page and select items to include in their gift registry. For example, if the couple is traveling to Hawaii for their honeymoon, they may decide they'd like to go to a Hawaiian luau and list two luaus (one for the bride and one for the groom) in their registry. They may also select a romantic candlelight dinner, breakfast in bed, and a hotel room upgrade. They can include entertainment and activities, such as scuba diving lessons, a helicopter ride, horseback riding, and snorkeling. The couple can even add travel items like inter-island flights, limousine service, and a rental car.

Similarly, if the bride and groom have decided that London is their destination of choice, they can include an English afternoon tea in their travel registry, dinner for two at Jamie Oliver's restaurant, a medieval banquet, and a Harrods' shopping spree. Perhaps they would like tickets to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, London theatre tickets, or a tour of Shakespeare's Globe Theater. If so, they can add those items to their travel registry as well.

For wedding guests, a honeymoon travel registry makes it easy to find a personal, yet remarkable gift. Giving a sunset cruise, for example, is much more memorable than a set of mixing bowls. Gift givers can even opt to send the couple a customized gift card, or print one out and bring it to the wedding.

A honeymoon signifies the beginning of a couple's life together, and is a welcome relief from the stresses of planning their wedding. Having a honeymoon travel registry can help make the couple's dreams come true and give them memories to last a lifetime.

About the Author
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies.For tips/information, click here: Travel
Visit Majon's Travel directory.

Thanks to Chris Robertson and GoArticles for this article.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Tips for Selecting Wedding Musicians

by Mrs. Party... Gail Leino

"Planning a wedding celebration can be crazy, fun, and overwhelming all at once! So many decisions, so little time. Menu? Decorations? Flowers? Wedding Invitations? Bridal Showers? Music? Lets focus on the music and share suggestions to ensure a successful wedding celebration.
Things happen so just keep cool and let the wedding professionals help you by virtue of their expertise! If you are a do it yourselfer, allow extra time for the learning curve. Just relax if stuff goes wrong like the ring bearer forgetting the ring up on the 16th floor of the hotel room or the ceremony starting 35 minutes late because Uncle Bob took a wrong turn driving to the church.
Always trust a professional. Remember: You are planning one wedding. Professional help plan thousands. Many people are looking for value today and may believe that because Aunt Bertha plays the piano, she'd be perfect as your cocktail pianist. Aunt Bertha may know "Love Me Tender" ~ but do you want to hear it over and over? Don't disappoint your guests or yourself by cutting corners? If she wants to play as her gift to you, invite her to play one or two songs. Let Aunt Bertha be a guest. Leave the music to the professional who has a wide repertoire for everyone. They are able to take requests, play polished, professional arrangements ~ and do it all while smiling and carrying on a conversation without taking their hands off the keys.
For a beautiful, elegant, and classy wedding ceremony and reception use "live" music. Keep the CDs in the car. If you are absolutely on the tightest budget ~ you can hire a solo musician for what two dinner entrees or a lovely flower arrangement would cost. Do not cut corners with your ambience. Music sets the tone for your day. Your guests WILL notice. Keep this thought in mind for your wedding showers, rehearsal dinners, and your post nuptial champagne brunches.
Trust your friends for referrals that they have dealt with for their bridal showers. If you don't know of anyone, the facility where you are planning your event usually has a list of preferred Musicians for specializing in Wedding Ceremonies, Receptions, and Corporate Events. Ask your friend and the venue about Bands, Orchestras, DJ's, Florists, Photographers, and Caterers. Just ask a Catering Coordinator for their list of Professional Musicians; this lists of recommended vendors most likely did not PAY to be listed! Anyone can get listed in a phone book or a wedding magazine for a fee. Recommendations cost nothing but are tremendously valuable resources.
Brides planning Catholic wedding ceremonies need to consult with the Musical Director of their local churches before selecting musicians. It is common practice for the church to REQUIRE you utilize their "in house" musicians and will not allow you to bring in "outside" vendors. Remember when planning your wedding, always trust a professional with a proven reputation. Enjoy your special day!"
About the Author
Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority for the best party supplies with clever themes and fun facts for character birthdays, holidays and theme parties. Plus, ideas for personalized and birthday party favors to make your event unforgettable.

Thanks to Mrs. Party... Gail Leino and GoArticles for this article.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Wedding Planning - Advice, Budget, Organization

by Mrs. Party... Gail Leino

"So you're engaged, now it's time to go on with the wedding planning. It can be a huge project costing a lot of money. What are you going to do?
Step one, no hyperventilating. Take a few deep breaths into a paper bag and remind yourself that you've got months, maybe even years before the wedding. You also have a lot of relatives giving advice on dates, florists and reception halls. While this may be annoying, these relatives are actually a valuable resource. Try redirecting their advice with specific questions asking what it was about their weddings they liked best and most importantly what it is that nearly ruined them. I once knew a woman who spent a lot of money on her wedding but neglected to keep the liquor in a guarded location. At the end of the wedding reception some staff stole several cases of unwatched, unused alcohol that she had to pay the caterer for. It's the little things we forget that can upturn a carefully planned event.
Step two; decide just how much you and your soon-to-be spouse are willing to pay for this wedding event. There are ways to cut costs. Outdoor receptions bring people back to the beauty of nature without the high cost of reception halls, but be careful not to schedule on a day when it's likely to rain. It might be helpful to look up specific dates in almanacs detailing the weather for previous years.
Step three; organize, organize, organize. Set up a timeline of major events that you need to have accomplished before the wedding day like the bridal shower. That way if something is running behind a few months early you can adjust your schedule. Creating a down to the minute timeline for the day of the wedding is important too. As it can help prevent last second mix-ups."
About the Author
Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority for the best party supplies with clever themes and fun facts for character birthdays, holidays and theme parties. Plus, ideas for personalized and birthday party favors to make your event unforgettable.

Thanks to Mrs. Party... Gail Leino and GoArticles for this article.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Wedding planning: how to save on flower bills

by Nathalie Fiset

Wedding planning can be stressful and the bill easily adds-up pretty fast. Aside from the catering and music, flowers can be a big part of the spending when planning a wedding. There are ways to save on flower spnding when planning a wedding while still getting the most gorgeous wedding a bride always dreamed of. Here are some tips on how you can save on flower spending for a wedding.
Wedding has the power of increasing the prices of everything and anything that goes into the preparation of the celebration. When a future bride steps into a flower shop and asks for prices for flowers for her wedding, the odds are she will be billed an increased amount. The first tip here is to not mention that the flowers you are looking for are for a wedding. Simply mentioning that the flowers are for a celebration or an anniversary will keep the prices to a reasonable range.
When choosing flowers for a wedding, the future bride must inquire of what flower is in season, Buying the flower that is in season at the moment of the wedding will ensure that the price will be kept within a reasonable range. Furthermore, selecting a bouquet that is of reasonable size has the power to limit the expenses to a great account. Adding-up a little flower here and there in the bouquets can make a dramatic difference in the overall bill for the wedding.
Synthetic flowers can also also be a valuable alternative to buying expensive bouquets that might look good during the wedding but will increase the overall bill.
When buying flowers for a wedding there are items that cannot be overlooked. First, there is the bride's bouquet which should be splendid as it is going to be on every picture. It should also be strong and withhold the traditional throwing of the bouquet and sometimes the riot that follows.When buying the flowers for a wedding, planning in advance will help the future bride and groom to shop around and find the best deal for what they are looking for. The differences in prices can be surprising between one florist to the other, one having made a special deal with a gross provider.
Above all, when planning a wedding, the future bride and groom should always keep in mind that the size of the bouquets and the kind of flowers do not matter much if they truly love each other. In the long run. Long after their flowers will have shrunk and disappeared, true love will last a lifetime to those newly weds who really love each other.
About the Author
For more information on acne please go to:http://www.the-perfect-weddings.com/http://www.the-perfect-weddings.com/gift-online-perfect-wedding.htmlhttp://www.drnathaliefiset.com

Thanks to Nathalie Fiset and GoArticles for this article.